Cafe Converse shares the Habits that Will Let you Speak English Like a Pro

Being fluent in English is a potent tool that opens up a whole new world of opportunities. From understanding, English-taught university courses to finding employment in an English-speaking organization, a grasp of the language could open up multiple doors for your future.

However, it could be tricky to become fluent in the English language when you do not live in an English-speaking country. While you can learn grammar and practice with your friends, becoming genuinely good in the language, enough to power through job interviews, for instance – are not so easy.

If you are committed to becoming fluent, but you are struggling to take your language skills to the next level, check out our tips shared by Ms Sonu Goel, Founder and Director of Café Converse, Delhi’s leading Institute for learning English Language on how to speak English like a pro.

Change your Electronic Gadgets to English

Just think about how often you check your phone, computer, and other electronics. Think, if you thought about speaking English as often as you did this. By changing your electronic apps to English, you will be reminded of the vocabulary throughout the day, and get into the habit of thinking in English without even translating it first.

It may be tricky to navigate your devices initially, but once you get accustomed to them, you will find that language is second nature.

Watch All Movies and TV Shows in English

By watching all your movies and TV shows in English, you will start to develop your listening skills and learn colloquial phrases you will not find in textbooks.

Simply, like living in English-speaking countries, English-speaking movies, and TV mostly speak faster than educational listening exercises and mostly use more informal language.

While it is essential to learn grammar rules and correct vocabulary, being able to use colloquial terms is also helpful for speaking fluently.

Think in English as Much as You Can

Even if you cannot speak English every time, this does not stop you from thinking in English. Whenever you are imagining or having an internal monologue, try and swap from your mother tongue to English.

This will let you practice your skills without fear of getting them incorrectly to others, and encourage fluent flow.

Practice makes perfect, and soon enough, you may likely be dreaming in English and slipping into dialogue with yourself without even realizing it.

Do Not Think Yourself Merely as a Student

Stop thinking you are ‘learning’ English, and accept that you are improving your skills, this simple alteration in mindset will give you the confidence you need. Chances are if you are reading this, then you already have a good grasp of the language. The only thing obstructing you from being good and being great is your own perception of your skills. Acknowledge the fact, how much you already know, and concentrate on the next steps.

Repeating grammar rules you are struggling to remember is never going to assist you as much as practicing consistently as possible.

Keep Learning

Becoming fluent in English is not the final destination, it is a life choice. You never end learning new words and meanings in your mother tongue, so why would English be any different?

There are always new vocabulary and context to add to your skills, so repeatedly challenge yourself to improve. It will stop you from becoming complacent and losing your fluency over time. It may seem daunting to know you will always be learning, but take your time and manage the language at a pace that suits you.

Even when you have mastered conversations, there will always be some room for improvement, so simply take it one step at a time.

Becoming fluent in English is a great skill both for education and beyond no matter where you live. Once you are fluent in the language, the world will become your playground as you can study, work, and communicate almost anywhere.

Sonu Goel leading English Coach Teacher IELTS coach

Ms Sonu Goel is a professionally acclaimed certified ESL trainer from the British Council having 15 years of strong background for teaching the English language in both online and physical classes. She is dedicated to teaching of English in an interactive and practical way, whereby learners feel enriched with knowledge and experience the language hands-on. She uses creative ideas and aids to let the learning happen as organically and efficiently as possible. Ms Goel has travelled to various European countries and experienced an array of cultures and linguistic skills for the English language.

To learn more about Sonu Goel please visit :

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